Thursday, July 9, 2015

All You Need To Start Adsense

I know that you want to make some serious repeat (residual) 
money with Google AdSense right? 
But it’s not easy to get into the AdSense program now-a-days. You have to follow a few very important things before applying for AdSense.
What is Google AdSense and Why You Should Use It?
Google AdSense is one of the oldest network ad publishers and works on a Pay Per Click system. In fact Google used to give free AdSense to everyone who used to make blogs through Google Blogspot.

When it comes to the legitimacy of Google AdSense, it speaks for itself. Google AdSense have thousands and thousands of satisfied customers and publishers. AdSense pays on time, every time.

Get more value from your online content by adding AdSense which is free, and is a simple way to for newcomers to the Internet, to earn money. You earn from it, by displaying ads that are targeted next to your related content. 

By using AdSense, you show only engaging and relevant ads to your site visitors and you are even able to customize the look and feel of the ads to match your website.

One more reason for choosing Google AdSense is that we can earn huge amounts of money on autopilot if we work in the right way. There are many bloggers who are making a complete living from their blogs and Google AdSense. Therefore, Google AdSense should be your number one choice among all the other available ad networks. If done right, Adsense is also the easiest method for a newcomer (newbie) of deriving a steady income from the Internet. 
It’s paying rates are better than all other ad-networks which is the best reason why it is so popular to all Bloggers and Webmasters. Since everybody is trying to join them, they have made their approval system stricter. Make mistakes, and you will get disapproved every time. Here are some reasons why Google will reject your application every time.

12 Main Reasons Why AdSense Will Reject Your Application?

Here are the most common reasons and AdSense requirements which they give when rejecting your application.
1.  Insufficient content / Unacceptable site content — Your website does not have enough quality/original content in them for Google specialists to review.
Google attaches a lot of value and attention to the content of a blogsite before accepting it. If the content is poorly written and have grammatical mistakes, Google will reject the blog right away.
Not only does content have to be grammatically correct, it must be unique and has to provide value to the readers and users of the blog. So the number one reason is the poorly written content in your blog.
2. Page Type / Design of your blog — What will you do if you land a page with a bright yellow background and white text on it and huge several buttons all over the place? You’ll click away, right?
Blogs which are poorly designed and are hard for the visitors to make sense of, get rejected by Google for their AdSense ads. You MUST have a good design which is easy on the eyes.
3. No Privacy Policy, About us or Contact Us page — There are some pages which you must add before applying to Google AdSense if you want to get accepted by them. These are About us, Privacy Policy and Contact Us pages. These pages show that you are a professional and that you are working according to the Google polices and rules.
4. Site does not comply with Google policies — If your website has no rich, unique and meaningful content, no organic traffic, pages with little to no original content or causes navigational and organizational problems or your website is driving traffic through illegal sources,for example your site is overloaded with excessive keywords or poor coded design, such are usually rejected.
You therefore, need a complete guide of things that you need to do before thinking about applying for Google AdSense.

12 Things to Do Before Applying for Google AdSense

1. Privacy Policy :
One of the common mistakes that bloggers make, and I made most of them many times before getting approved. Even though there are people out there who say that having a privacy policy for a Blog doesn’t make sense, let me assure you,they are wrong!
The first thing you will need when applying for Google AdSense and getting approval, is the privacy policy of your blog or website. If you don’t have it you cannot get approval. It's as simple as that. Why it is important? Because this privacy policy means you are not running a scam and sees Adsense as serious business. Google will only check the rest of the conditions if you have this policy in place.
A privacy policy actually describes to your readers what they will get from reading your Blog and what they should and should not do. It is obvious therefore, that there is nothing bad in having a privacy policy. Since it affects your AdSense Approval, you need to do it. You can write one yourself or find Privacy Policy Generator online (You don’t need a lawyer for this).

2. About Page:

Like the Privacy Policy, you must also have an about page to get approved. Also, like the Privacy Policy the About page gives your website the indication of serious business.
An About page is an important navigational tool, even when you don’t want to apply for AdSense. When it comes to AdSense however, there is almost zero chance of getting your site approved if you don't feature this page. The About page simply describes you and what your Blog is about . Not only help you establish a relationship with readers, it will also make them trust you.

3. Contact Us Page:

One obvious fact, is that everyone has his/her own opinion. What one reader likes may be a problem for someone else. It would be immensely better to give them an opportunity to speak their minds and express their thoughts and feelings about your Blog, what they would like edited and what they like or hate about it.
In creating a contact us page, you should add your professional email as well for example:  and also your social profile links as well. When you create this, you are telling Google that you really care for your visitors, and that you are ready to help them. They can contact you at any time.This also shows the Google AdSense Team that are viewing your site that you actually care about your readers and not only the AdSense money.
4. Name/ Email Verification:
When applying for acceptance, don’t forget to put your Name and Email address in some clearly visible area like About Me and Contact Us pages. It will confirm to Google's AdSense Team that it's the same person who applied for AdSense and not some or other spam, robot. This will help in Google's verification process.

5. Age Verification:

This is the one mistake that most bloggers are making, who are younger than 18. They falsify their age and wind up being found out.
Always use your correct date of birth and age when applying for a Google AdSense account.
Because Google AdSense is not for people under 18, People are eventually starting to realize this problem after having been disapproved a few times without any so called legitimate reason. So I suggest you be honest when typing your age. 

6. Minimum Number of Posts:

What should the minimum number of posts be before applying for Google AdSense? I can not provide a definite answer but I have submitted and applied for Adsense acceptance with 10 originally written posts of about 100 words or 400 characters, and was approved. I also took care to apply all these other 11 things before applying for Adsense.
I have seen some well established Blogs with 100 posts or more and the owners were telling me that Google AdSense was rejecting them, while I have several websites with only 10 or 20 original posts and am monetized with Adsense, and making money. I of course favor Google's own trusted products, like Gmail and Blogger webpages and have never regretted it. Why go to by milk from a supermarket when I can get the original unadulterated product from my neighbor the dairy farmer?

The fact is, I have found myself on Google first page and in poll position on many more occasions than I can remember, even before I heard about something like SEO. What I am saying is that I have no actual answer what the required minimum posts aught to be, other than, what I do and the success I am enjoying because of it. However, according to my experience, you should only apply after you have more than 10 originally written posts of 500+ words with top quality content.

7. Design:

I mentioned earlier, that your blog design matters a lot. It should be professional and not like a slapped together photo gallery. Google favors, professional, clean, smart and functional websites.
The blog design is the next biggest thing after the content. This represents your experience, expertise and professionalism. So take care, because anything negative can kill your chances of getting approved by AdSense and possibly receiving a nice income for a long time. You need to test and retest your page opening because the average visitor spends about 3 to 5 seconds waiting for a page to open up, before scooting away to your opposition;s page. Fortunately Google knows this, and offers a good assortment of fully customizable page templates when using their sites. Did I mention, that you get them for free, no hidden other costs for hosting etc.

8. Content Type:

Be careful what type of content you are publishing. Because it is something that really matters a great deal to Adsense.
Google AdSense is not for pirated or pornographic content, or for the promotion of illegal items like drugs or linking to other blogs sites that do. The AdSense team won’t be willing to allow you to sign up if you own a Non English Blog and having posts shorter than 200 words in length is also a red flag.

9. Providing Value:

Google loves blogs that provide valuable content to their visitors and customers. Be sincere and honest with your visitors don’t ever try to scam them.

Never complain about not making any money and don’t openly state that you’re only blogging for money and that you have no other interest in it. This will clearly show them that you are not providing value to your readers. Hence another Red Flag goes up.

10. Top Level Domain:

As for today, you must have your own unique domain that specifies your Blog. If you don’t have one yet, stop dreaming about getting approved with Sub domains and go buy a Top Level Domain.
When it comes to domain, your domain should be of top level. For this purpose the best domain is .com domain. Choose a short, unique and easy to remember domain related to your blog niche.
Another important thing about domain is it’s age. Because most of Asian Countries, AdSense has placed an age restriction. They don’t accept any sites which are not 6 months old.
So keep it in mind before applying for Google AdSense program.

11. Other Ad Networks:

If you have any other Ads placed like Chitika, Clicksor or anything, it’s time to take  them down.
Even though Google AdSense allows you to use other Ad Networks along with their own, it’s better to remove those ads before Applying for acceptance and don’t put them back until you get a positive reply from the AdSense Team.
12. Paid Traffic:
Google totally hates sites that are getting paid traffic and frequently penalizes them so that ultimately, there is no chance of getting approved by AdSense for a site which is getting paid traffic. You can bring traffic from Search Engines or any other way you want but if you want to earn money through Google AdSense the right way excludes paid traffic.
Also note, that Google do not accept sites which get traffic from any illegal sources. As such, focus your attention on getting traffic from legal sources like social media, SEO and niche related blogs.

What to do if AdSense is not getting approved?

What if, after all of this effort, Google AdSense is still not approving your site? Cheer up, It’s definitely not the end of the world! 
There are dozens of other trusted and high paying ad-network you can use and believe me, they are way easier than Google AdSense is, with regards to getting site approval. Remember, as one door of opportunity closes, so another one is sure to open.
You can use these ad networks to earn money without AdSense. They are easy to get approval for.
Infolinks is the leader in in-text advertising and offers 70% revenue sharing even if you’re a newbie blogger. It is different from other advertising networks as it takes up less space because it shows in text ads or pop up ads. You can also safely use it with Adsense.

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